Jurnal Mebis 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal MEBIS (Manajemen dan Bisnis) E-ISSN 2599-283X </strong>is a peer reviewed that mediate the dissemination of researchers in Entrepreneurship And Business Development. The journal is published by UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. The Editorial goal is to provide a forum exchange and an interface between researchers and practitioners in any Entrepreneurship And Business Development related field. We accept submission from all over the world. All submitted articles shall never been published elsewhere, original and not under consideration for other publication. Journal of MEBIS published twice in a year, July and December</p> Is It Effective or Not? Countenance Stake Evaluation of the Numeration Learning combination Model for Student in South Papua. 2024-10-09T03:28:54+00:00 Eva Nirtha Yonarlianto Tembang Andreas Au Hurit <p>This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Numeration Learning Combination Model (NLCM) for students in South Papua by employing the Countenance Stake Evaluation model. The region's educational landscape, characterized by linguistic diversity and resource constraints, necessitates innovative teaching approaches. The NLCM combines traditional pedagogical methods with modern educational technologies and culturally relevant content. This evaluation framework examines antecedents, transactions, and outcomes to provide a comprehensive assessment. Data collection by conducting pre-post tests, observations and interviews. Data analysis techniques use a quantitative and a qualitative approach. Data analysis &nbsp;involves quantitative measures of measure the effectiveness of the learning model using the T test based on student performance with the significance value (Sig. 2-tailed) was obtained of 0.00, less than 0.05 and qualitative insights from educators and students. Initial findings reveal that the NLCM enhances numeracy skills, increases student engagement, supports a more inclusive learning environment and addressing the diverse needs of South Papua's student population. The findings suggest that the NLCM is a viable and effective approach to numeration learning in South Papua context, with potential implications for broader educational strategies in similar regions.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Nirtha, Yonarlianto Tembang, Andreas Au Hurit Exploring the Impact of Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Creativity on Entrepreneurial Behavior: The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy 2024-12-04T16:12:35+00:00 Sri Palupi Prabandari ida Yulianti Taufiq Ismail Irma Kurniasari <p>Entrepreneurship contributes significantly to economic growth by creating opportunities and reducing unemployment and improving community welfare. This study examines the role of entrepreneurial knowledge and creativity in shaping entrepreneurial behavior with self-efficacy as a mediating variable. The data of this study were obtained by distributing questionnaires to young entrepreneurs in Malang City. The data obtained were then analyzed using PLS. The results showed that entrepreneurial knowledge and creativity have a positive effect on self-efficacy, which then mediates entrepreneurial behavior. This study provides implications for the design of targeted Education Policy to encourage the development of human capital, innovation and economic growth.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Palupi Prabandari, ida Yulianti, Taufiq Ismail Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Performance: Case Study in Indonesia Service Company 2024-08-22T04:22:17+00:00 Ine Madinatul Munawaroh Rofiaty Ainur Rofiq <p>This study aims to explore the role of knowledge sharing at PT. Malika Goenawan Erawisata in achieving organizational performance. This study used qualitative approach by phenomenology design to describe the applied model of knowledge sharing including knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination, and responsiveness of the knowledge. The collecting data used in-depth interview to 13 informants such as the leaders, employees, and customers. The data analysis used the interactive model of miles and Huberman. This study found that the applied model of knowledge sharing in knowledge acquisition acquired from customers, employees, the tacid knowledge of company's leaders, and seminars. In addition, the knowledge sharing model in knowledge dissemination involved meetings, direct communication, and the use of information technology such as social media. Meanwhile, the responsiveness of the knowledge lead to make tasks easier to accomplished, especially in marketing strategy planning. Furthermore, the organizational performance well established. But, overall, the knowledge sharing was processed conventionally and the knowledge dissemination was not spread yet proportionally to the whole employees. Hence, it needs the creative and innovative program to motivate employees and increase organizational performance optimally.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ine Madinatul Munawaroh, Rofiaty, Ainur Rofiq Optimizing Human Resource Development Strategies for Tourism SMEs - An AHP Approach 2024-10-11T01:29:50+00:00 Adya Hermawati Abimanyu Tuwuh Sembhodo <p>Indonesia's tourism sector, a cornerstone of the economy, grapples with inconsistent tourist numbers. This study pinpoints critical factors for enhancing industry efficiency, balancing urgency with feasibility. A cross-sectional survey collected insights from 1,320 employees across 440 tourism SMEs in 11 East Java regions, complemented by input from 33 policymakers. Using an AHP questionnaire, the study prioritised variables, blending quantitative and qualitative data. The research highlights Quality of Work Life as pivotal for East Java's tourism SMEs and provides tailored regional recommendations regarding human resource management to address diverse industry and regional dynamics. Notably, Banyuwangi stands out as a prime target for development due to its substantial contributions and untapped potential. These insights offer stakeholders a roadmap to boost the most affecting human resource variable of tourism SMEs and implement region-specific strategies, ultimately elevating tourism SME performance and fostering growth in East Java's tourism sector. Focusing on Banyuwangi can unlock its tourism potential and drive regional and nearby cities economic prosperity</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adya Hermawati, Abimanyu Tuwuh Sembhodo Competitiveness Analysis of Indonesian Ginger Exports 2012-2021 2024-11-21T11:31:04+00:00 Akbar Arsy Afdri Jiyaris Gamaradika Gea Dwi Asmara <p>Indonesia is an agrarian country which has a land and climate that supports growing spices such as ginger, Indonesia is able to compete in ginger exports in international trade, one of the influences of economic development, Indonesia exports in Japan, USA, Malaysia consecutively in 2012-2021 this analysis uses the RCA method to measure comparative advantage in international trade, this data is also taken from UN Comtrade and International Trade Centre (ITC) sources. The results showed that Indonesia has a comparative advantage which has a value of more than 1 in the RCA calculation in international trade with Japan, USA, Malaysia, therefore it requires a good strategy to be supported by the government in exporting ginger and increasing the productivity of ginger farmers.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Akbar Arsy, Afdri Jiyaris Gamaradika, Gea Dwi Asmara Business Process Analysis on VWX Platform Using Deming's Cycle 2024-10-10T07:49:30+00:00 Anindo Saka Fitri Dea Kusuma Ningrum Astri Purwitasari Monica Exsanni Araf O. Alya Maytsa Ismawardi <p>This study focuses on analyzing and improving the business processes of the VWX platform, a major player in the online travel industry. By utilizing Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, this research aims to propose a new business process for the VWX platform especially inefficiencies in the refund process, one of the platform's critical service areas. Through tools such as Fishbone Diagram and Cross-Functional Flowchart (CFF), several issues were identified, including system automation gaps, unclear refund policies, and delays in processing due to third-party integrations. To address these issues, the study proposes automated refund systems, clearer refund guidelines, and enhanced customer service training. Additionally, the implementation of real-time notifications and system upgrades is recommended to improve process transparency and user satisfaction. The findings suggest that by adopting these improvements, VWX can significantly enhance operational efficiency, reduce customer complaints, and remain competitive in the digital travel marketplace. This research contributes valuable insights into how continuous process improvement methodologies like PDCA can be applied to optimize digital service platforms.</p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anindo Saka Fitri Mobile Banking Adoption-A Segmentation Analysis 2023-12-20T05:48:12+00:00 Ellen Theresia Sihotang Deny Hermansyah Sinnaring Laga Dewi Murdiawati <p>Market segmentation has an important role in determining marketing strategy and can improve marketing effectiveness specifically in mobile banking (m-banking) services. The aim of this study is to measure customer perceptions of m-banking adoption through segmentation analysis based on their behavior with the TAM construct. This study generates two segments, which are <em>moderate </em>and <em>active </em>adopters. <em>Moderate adopters </em>are members who already have m-banking but have not actively used it. M-banking is considered as a practical, easy-to-operate and they will adopt m-banking in the coming months. <em>Active adopters </em>perceive m-banking as a service which can complete banking transactions quickly and overall m-banking easy to use. M-banking is important to fulfill banking needs and will continue to adopt m-banking in the future. <em>Moderate </em>and <em>Active adopters </em>trust in the bank are positive and majority young-aged. Age has a significant relationship with both clusters, so the young aged group is the right target for m-banking marketing.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ellen Theresia Sihotang, Deny Hermansyah, Sinnaring Laga, Dewi Murdiawati The Influence of Personality, Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment on Students' Entrepreneurial Interest in Surabaya 2024-10-07T02:08:05+00:00 Muhammad Ilham Naufal Devinta Arumsari Arief Budiman <div><span lang="EN-US">This research explores the influence of personality, entrepreneurial education, and family environment on students' entrepreneurial interest in Surabaya. This study uses quantitative methods with a survey involving students from various universities in Surabaya. Analysis was carried out using PLS (Partial Least Square) to see the relationship between the independent variables (personality, entrepreneurship education, and family environment) and the dependent variable (interest in entrepreneurship). The research results show that personality has a significant influence on interest in entrepreneurship. Apart from that, entrepreneurship education also has a positive effect on interest in entrepreneurship. The family environment also has an important role in increasing interest in entrepreneurship. Good family support significantly increases interest in entrepreneurship among Surabaya students.</span></div> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ilham Naufal Balancing Profit and Planet: How ESG Criteria Are Reshaping Capital Structure in Indonesia 2024-10-10T03:19:48+00:00 Nunik Dwi Kusumawati <p>Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria have gained significant importance in Indonesia's corporate landscape,&nbsp;driven by global trends and local initiatives. The Indonesian government’s commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 has accelerated the integration of ESG principles into business practices. This research aims to determine the influence of ESG performance on the capital structure of companies in Indonesia. This research uses quantitative methods, analysing the relationship between ESG scores and company funding decisions, especially those using debt versus internal funding sources. The findings suggest that companies with higher ESG performance tend to rely less on debt financing and prefer retained earnings and equity to support sustainable initiatives. Companies with strong ESG practices exhibit lower environmental risks, healthier financial reports and better credit ratings, reducing funding costs. The study concludes that integrating ESG factors into corporate financing will reduce the risks associated with high debt levels and be in line with long-term value creation, improve corporate governance, and attract ESG-focused investments. This research contributes to the growing understanding of the impact of ESG on capital structure decisions in Indonesia by highlighting its role in creating a sustainable and resilient business environment.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nunik Dwi Kusumawati How To Achieve Employee Performance Faster? 2024-11-02T14:34:36+00:00 Sih Astuti Tjahjani Wulandari Fery Riyanto Mubashir Ahmad <p>Human resources are an essential component in an organization, where good employee performance is vital to the organisation's survival. To achieve optimal performance, companies need to meet the needs of employees, recognize them as assets, and create an environment that supports psychological well-being.This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of employee engagement on employee performance mediated by psychological well-being and job satisfaction. This study used the population of employees of Panti Wilasa Citarum Hospital, which amounted to 205 people. Sampling using non-random sampling with purposive sampling technique. Using the SPSS analysis tool IBM SPSS 23 Software version. The study's results explain that the independent variables in this study have a positive effect on employee performance mediated by psychological well-being, which means that this study proved that job satisfaction is individual. Each individual has a different level of satisfaction according to the value system that applies to him.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sih Astuti, Fery Riyanto, Tjahjani Wulandari, Mubashir Ahmad