Jurnal Mebis https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis <p><strong>Jurnal MEBIS (Manajemen dan Bisnis) E-ISSN 2599-283X </strong>is a peer reviewed that mediate the dissemination of researchers in Entrepreneurship And Business Development. The journal is published by UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. The Editorial goal is to provide a forum exchange and an interface between researchers and practitioners in any Entrepreneurship And Business Development related field. We accept submission from all over the world. All submitted articles shall never been published elsewhere, original and not under consideration for other publication. Journal of MEBIS published twice in a year, July and December</p> UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur en-US Jurnal Mebis 2528-2433 ANALYSIS OF THE WELFARE OF TOBACCO FARMERS IN BANARAN VILLAGE, TEMBARAK DISTRICT, TEMANGGUNG REGENCY https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/443 <p>Farmers' welfare plays an important role in increasing and maintaining agricultural production. Tobacco is one of the plants that has high value and is easy to grow in Indonesia and has an influence on society and economic development, especially agriculture. This study aims to determine whether income, land area, length of education, length of work, and household consumption affect the welfare of tobacco farmers in Banaran Village, Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency. The population in this study were the people of Banaran Village, Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency. The sample in this study used a purposive sampling method, namely 200 samples. This research uses descriptive analysis and multinomial logit test. The results of the research conducted showed that there were 2 variables that had a positive and significant influence, namely the variable land area of ​​0.034 and length of work variable of 0.048, while the variables that were not significant were income of 0.407, length of education of 0.209, and household consumption variable of 0.275. And for the simultaneous test all the independent variables used influence the welfare of tobacco farmers.</p> Maman Faudzi Rifki Khoirudin Hasna Laili Nur Afifah Ignatius Abasimi Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mebis 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 8 2 109 120 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.443 ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING RAW GOODS IN INDONESIA SINCE 1986-2021 https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/444 <p><em>In Indonesia, the demand for raw goods continues to increase along with national and international needs, making production continue to increase and this makes economic growth continue to increase, but inversely proportional to the availability of raw goods in nature which is increasingly dwindling and it is feared that it does not have raw goods spare parts,&nbsp; so the government carries out policies related to this phenomenon by allowing more processing of raw goods into semi-finished goods so that&nbsp; More maximally in handling these problems and increasing the value of investment and export activities. In addition, investment adds to existing resources so as to create relations between countries with cooperation and use the prevailing exchange rate. In this study, it is known that the influence of raw goods on economic growth is positive with other factors such as investment activities, exports, exchange rates that make economic growth more positive than the previous year. In this method, using the var model in research where previous research was carried out previously through secondary data collection methods and separated in detail according to year. Management uses apalkasi in conducting research with var more helps get information shouting data that is processed.from the results of the sarsenerity test it is found that all variables except for one varibael, namely the Export variable (EKS) because at the level or first difference do not have a stationary value.the optimal leg test leg is in the maximum second leg.in the stability test all have a stable intention.impulse response has a positive and negative effect on variables except&nbsp; against investment while in the Variance Decomposition test increased every period. The production of raw goods has a negative effect at the beginning of the production period but often over time it has a positive effect on economic growth.</em></p> Rohmadoni Kokop Firstly Ramadhona Amalia Lubis Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal MEBIS 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 8 2 121 132 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.444 EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL ATTITUDES, FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE, AND PERSONALITY ON FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR AMONG SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMES) https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/483 <p>Financial behavior is a way that everyone practices to treat, manage, and use the financial resources they possess. There are several factors that influence financial management behavior such as financial attitude, financial knowledge and personality. This research aims to know the influence of financial attitude, financial knowledge and personality on the behavior of financial management on UMKM. The population in this study is all UMKM. Determination of samples with saturated sampling technique with the number of samplings of as many as 37 UMKM participants. Data collection methods with observations, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is double linear regression analysis. The results of the test showed that the financial attitude has a positive and significant influence on the behavior of financial management on UMKM. Financial knowledge has a positive and significant influence on the behavior of financial management on UMKM. Personality has a positive and significant influence on the behavior of financial management on UMKM</p> Ni Putu Yeni Astiti Ida Bagus Artha Sada Wibawa Agus Wahyudi Salasa Gama Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal MEBIS 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 8 2 133 140 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.483 E-COMMERCE TO SUPPORT MARKETING IN ASRILOKA WONOSALAM https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/482 <p>The internet is an electronic tool that can be used for various activities such as communications, research, business transactions and others. Internet technology connects thousands of computer networks individuals and organizations around the world that internet technology is so popular. As is the sophistication of computer technology, all limitations in facilities, distance and transaction time can be overcome with easy. With just a "click" customers can get the items they want, they can find out what they want as desired and can carry out transactions with anyone without being limited by time and distance. In supporting its effectiveness, these sites continue to update and improve their features so as to make it easier for sellers to advertise their products and services, such as easy to access via Android and Blackberry mobile smartphones. The convenience offered making more and more sellers want to become members to market their goods and services. In product or service marketing activities, the focus required by the seller is subsequent promotion determine the channel to use. Advertising on e-commerce site channels is certainly expected have a positive impact on sellers. Effective marketing channels will be able to provide benefits and positive impacts in achieving the goals of marketing activities themselves. Besides that allows for the cultivation of relationships between sellers and buyers to interact with each other sustainable.</p> Hendra Maulana Ronggo Alit Diana Aqidatun Nisa Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal MEBIS 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 8 2 141 150 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.482 FLOW EXPERIENCE, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, AND CUSTOMER LOYALTY ON ONLINE SHOPPING APPLICATIONS https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/491 <p>The researchers wanted to get some evidence to prove the hypotheses of this study. Flow experience, customer satisfaction, customer experience, and customer loyalty are the variables in this study. From the population of online shopping application users in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, a sample was selected using a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling method. The data was then analyzed using Partial Least Square with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The first testing stage is the outer measurement to obtain validity and reliability values. Then, the researchers conducted an inner model measurement to find evidence of whether the hypotheses were accepted or rejected. The analysis results show that (1) Flow experience has a positive effect on customer loyalty, (2) Flow experience has a positive effect on customer experience, (3) Customer experience has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, (4) Customer satisfaction does not have a positive effect on customer loyalty, (5) Customer experience has a positive effect on customer loyalty.</p> Yuli Liestyana Muhammad Hara Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mebis 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 8 2 151 163 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.491 The ENTREPRENEURS' OVERCONFIDENCE IMPACTS COVID-19 BUSINESS GROWTH, CONSIDERING GENDER PERSPECTIVES https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/494 <p>This explanatory research aims to examine the effect of entrepreneur overconfidence on business growth during the Covid 19 period from a gender perspective. The study was conducted on 180 SME entrepreneurs who were determined by purposive sampling technique. The data collection method is a survey with a questionnaire instrument, then the data is analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study show that (1) entrepreneur overconfidence has a positive and significant effect on business growth in SMEs, (2) female entrepreneurs' overconfidence is significantly different from male entrepreneurs. The overconfidence of female entrepreneurs was higher than that of male entrepreneurs during the Covid 19 period, therefore business growth was also higher. It is necessary to develop a program to increase the confidence of entrepreneurs to increase business growth through training and the application of rules that ensure a conducive business climate.</p> Suci Ni Made Sayang Telagawathi Ni Luh Amanda Dewanti Made Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal MEBIS 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 8 2 164 172 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.494 ANALYSIS OF INVENTORY COST EFFICIENCY ON LEVERAGE ITEMS: A CASE STUDY ON A MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/492 <p>This study aims to determine inventory management for an agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturer. The manufacturer has not yet implemented any inventory management, therefore, it often experiences overstock and understock. The study employed Kraljic’s matrix as a classification method and employed a complete aggregation method to find the optimal ordering frequency for leverage raw materials. Due to the fluctuation of demand and supply, the numbers of safety stock and the reorder point were calculated in addition to the ordering frequency and ordering quantities. The inventory model was developed using secondary inventory data analysis of 2019. Data were collected before the pandemic because it was expected that these data would be similar to the current situation. By implementing this method, PD KMU is expected to reduce its inventory costs by IDR6,940,310,00 than those in the past.</p> Brigita Meylianti Sulungbudi Tomi Dwi Jingga Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal MEBIS 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 8 2 173 190 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.492 THE ROLE OF THE INDEPENDENT LEARNING PROGRAM ON CAMPUS IN SHAPING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL ECOSYSTEM IN UNIVERSITIES https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/487 <p>In 2020, the Indonesian minister of education, Nadiem Makarim, launched the MBKM (Merdeka Learn Campus Merdeka) program to prepare higher education graduates who are demanding to face change. Through the MBKM Program, students have the opportunity for one semester or the equivalent of twenty credits to study outside the study program at the same University and a maximum of two semesters or the equivalent of forty credits of studying in the same study program at different universities, looking in various study programs at multiple universities, and learning outside the university. To give birth to prospective entrepreneurs, universities must create a conducive entrepreneurial ecosystem for students (Mack &amp; Mayer, 2016). The role of each component in the ecosystem, such as faculty, according to Hayter (2016), is needed in adding to the social network of prospective entrepreneurs. Autio et al. (2014) revealed that policymakers are a more dominant factor in creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Mueller and Toutain (2015) explain that schools are the right environment to foster cultural creativity, self-confidence, and development freedom. Various internal and external elements must be involved in forming an entrepreneurial ecosystem in higher education. This research is an early stage of research to identify multiple inputs owned by universities in shaping their entrepreneurial ecosystem through the MBKM Entrepreneurship program. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using a participatory action research (PAR) approach. The research results are expected to help universities map the factors that can support the formation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem through the MBKM program carried out by universities.</p> Benedicta Evienia Prabawanti Thia Margaretha Tarigan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal MEBIS 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 8 2 191 197 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.487 THE EFFECT OF INTERNSHIP AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING ON STRAT-UP PERFORMANCE WITH ENTREPRENEURIAL MOTIVATION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABEL https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/496 <div><span lang="EN-US">This research aims to analyze the influence of internships and entrepreneurship training on start-up performance, both directly and through entrepreneurial motivation. This research used a quantitative approach with a sample of the first batch of UMS Independent Entrepreneurial Students in 2022, involving 869 participants. Sample selection criteria included full participation in the program and having an active business. The results of the analysis show that internships have a positive and significant impact on start-up performance and entrepreneurial motivation. While entrepreneurship training does not have a significant direct impact on start-up performance, it does influence entrepreneurial motivation significantly. Entrepreneurial motivation also has a significant positive impact on start-up performance. Interestingly, both internships and entrepreneurship training provide a significant positive impact on start-up performance when mediated by entrepreneurial motivation. Internships and entrepreneurship training have an important role in influencing start-up performance, especially when linked to entrepreneurial motivation. This emphasizes the importance of experience-based learning and formal training in supporting entrepreneurial spirit and performance among students in Indonesia.</span></div> Intan Widia Puro Kussudyarsana Moechammad Nasir Anton Agus Setyawan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal MEBIS 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 8 2 198 213 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.496 FACTORS AFFECTING THE ACCEPTANCE OF ELECTRONIC WALLET OVO IN INDONESIA https://mebis.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/mebis/article/view/521 <p>OVO is an electronic wallet that has been issued by PT. International Visionet. It can be used to accommodate various needs related to mobile and cashless payments. The number of these applications is quite large and shows significant growth since the first user launch in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the acceptance of electronic wallet OVO in Indonesia with the Technology Acceptance Model approach. Analysis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to test the hypothesis. Results reveal that factors influencing the intention to use OVO are perceived usefulness, perceived convenience, trust, user attitude, and risk. Risk factors can reduce trust and correlate with the intention to use. Whereas user intention can increase the actual use of electronic wallets OVO. The practical implication of the research is that the trust factor could increase the intention to use an OVO electronic wallet. Therefore companies need to increase public trust in OVO. The risk could reduce trust but that was not the main factor influencing public trust in OVO electronic wallets. Perceived ease of use provided the greatest influence on the perceived usefulness of an OVO electronic wallet. Companies need to consider trust, convenience, perceived benefits, and risks to increase OVO acceptance in the community.</p> Dina Ariyanti Rindah Suryawati Anisa Sya’bania Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Mebis 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 8 2 214 231 10.33005/mebis.v8i2.521